
Stylish Blogger Award, seven things about me

I have been rewarded with the Styler blogger award by  CortinaCreek.blogspot.com, thank you Lynda!  and I have been asked to share 7 things about me and tag other 15 bloggers, I am very new in the blog environment, I have been blogging for about two months by now, for that reason I don't really have any bloggers to tag, I will keep the tags on hold until I find other bloggers to tag.

7 things about me
1)I was born in South America, in Buenos Aires better known like the capital of cool in South America, according to Forbes Magazine(just read this in Forbes Magazine). My grandparents are European, so I have pure European blood in my veins and very strong latin-hispanic influence.
2)I am married to an European-American Man,-the love of my life- , so I guess I went back to the roots of my ancestry.
3) My first language is Spanish, followed by English, I also studied German for ten years, It used to be my second language before English took its place. I will continue studying German this fall. My husband's family speak mostly Russian and Ukrainian, also mine and I learnt to speak it too.
4) I went to the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, also known as UBA for one year and a half, attended college in Canada (Living Word Bible College), and went to beauty School where I got the title of Makeup Artist, although I never work as one, I did several makeovers to neighbors and friends, some bridesmaids, and a bride (ME).
5)My best girlfriend is my mother, I admire her with all my heart, one day I want to be like her.
6)My hero is Jesus Christ, the reason I live, I am His fan and follower.
7)I love my life, my husband, my sisters, my brother, my parents(which have been married for over than27 years) , even all my in law-family, I thank God for everyone  and I would not change it for anything in the world.
7 cosas sobre mí
1)Nací en América del Sur, en Buenos Aires, mejor conocida como Capital de lo 'COOL" por la revista Americana Forbes (acabo de leer esto en Forbes). Mis abuelos son europeos, así que se puede decir que tengo pura sangre europea aunque con una fuerte influencia sudamericana.
2)Estoy casada con un hombre europeo - el amor de mi vida-, siempre se vuelve a las raíces.
3)Mi primer lenguaje es español, seguido por Inglés, estudié alemán por diez años y voy a continuar tomando clases en otoño. La familia de mi esposo habla s ruso y ucraniano, mi familia también y así es como yo aprendí a hablarlo también.
4)Estudié en la UBA por un año y medio, también al Living Word Bible College en Canadá, a la escuela de belleza (maquillaje profesional), nunca trabaje de maquilladora profesional pero realicé mucho makeovers a amigos y vecinos, cortejas y una novia (yo) :)
5)Mi mejor amiga es mi mamá, la admiro con todo my <3 y un día quiero ser como ella.
6)Mi héroe es Jesús, la razón por la que vivo, soy su fan y seguidora.
7) Estoy muy feliz con mi vida, amo a mi marido, mis hermanas, mi hermano, mis padre( 27+años de casados), mi suegra y suegro ,todos mis cuñado/as, agradezco a Dios por cada uno y no cambiaría mi vida por nada en el mundo.

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