
My garden before and after, End of Winter ~January, February & March~

Looking at my garden and seedlings I get preoccupied, they seem not to progress at the pace I would like them to. My husband told me I am pressuring my little plants looking at them intently trying to figure out why are they taking so long to grow. They only have a month or so of life! I walked through my garden and took some pictures this week and found some more in my archives from January, that is a month ago. I love the resultant "before and after analysis", I definitely see some garden progress and growth! :) . I hope you enjoy them too.
~Contemplando my jardín que parece no crecer al paso que me gustaría me empiezo a preocupar y a buscar razones que tal vez son las causantes de un retraso en su crecimiento, mi marido me dijo que estoy estresando a mis plantas, constantemente las miro y analizo...Solamente tiene un mes de vida o un poco más! Paseando por mí jardín hoy tomé algunas fotos y encontré otras de hace un mes atrás en mis archivos. Me gusta mucho el resultado del antes y después, definitivamente veo algún progreso, bien ahí! :-) Espero que les guste a Uds. también.~

~lettuce, spinach & arugula before~
~lettuce, spinach & arugula after~
~Lechuga, espinaca y rúcula antes y después~

Broccoli :: Brócoli

Raspberries before and after :: Frambuesas antes y después

                      Lettuce in a pot before and after :: Lechuga en una maceta antes y después

Onion and garlic :: Cebolla y Ajo


Finally Parsley before and after :: Finalmente Perejil antes y después
Other vegetables that are growing in the raised beds are beets, carrots nantes and another kind, two different kinds of lettuce besides the one shown in the pictures from this post, radishes, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, zucchinis, pumpkins,  birdhouse gourds, early cantaloupe melons and different squashes, I hope they all make it until all risk of frost has passed.

Thanks for reading.

~Otros vegetales que están creciendo en mi jardín son remolachas, zanahorias, más lechuga, coles de brúselas, pepinos, zucchinis, calabazas, calabazas porongos (para hacer materas), melones, y zapallos, tengo esperanzas de que sigan creciendo aún cuando el riesgo de helada no haya pasado todavía.

Gracias por leer~


Bangchik and Kakdah said...

How nice to see plants growing. When we do before and after, then we will be surprised to see how much they really grow.

Megan said...

It is always nice to take a clear look at the before and after to really see the growth. It definitely gives that feeling of accomplishment, like what you've been waiting on is actually working! You've definitely got some beautiful growth!

Jaky said...

que lindo an! y que rico! delillus

Andrea said...


Romi said...

Hi! Saw your post on WUC and decided to check out your blog! To my surprise, we both live in the same town! :) Your blog looks amazing. We have many similar interests :) Check out my blog when you get a chance. also, if you like to trade some seeds, let me know :) Its very nice to meet you.


Andrea said...

Nice to know we live close, we should swap seeds for sure! Thanks!