To warm up I wanted to make some homemade bread but I realized there was no wheat flour left , checked my pantry and spotted some tapioca starch (or yucca flour, tihs one is better), I had cheese, milk and my aunt's recipe to make chipá.
~crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside~ |
If you wondered what chipá is, let's say it is some kind of cheese muffins made with tapioca flour (or yucca starch which is the same thing with different name). Originally chipás are from Paraguay the land where my dad was born. As I look back into my childhood and see myself waiting in my grandma's kitchen for the chipás to come out of the oven, and smelling their delicious aroma.
As I said before this recipe is from one of my aunts (she probably has no idea I am sharing this), I changed it a little bit to my liking( I skipped the eggs) and wanted to share it in this rainy chilly day....
I have to add that chipás are gluten free since they are only made with tapioca flour!, ideal treat for people that can't eat gluten.
Hoy llueve sobre mojado, mi jardín está empapado, así que decidí quedarme en la comodidad de mi casita y mirarlo desde adentro. En un día como hoy me dedicó a amasar y cocinar, buscando harinas en mi alacena encontré un paquete de almidón de mandioca, tenía queso (por supuesto no el mar del plata de mi querida Argentina), leche y la receta mi tía -la cual modifiqué un poco, no uso los huevos-, lo que resultó en una deliciosas chipás. Tengo que agregar que las Chipás son gluten free, una receta excepcional para celíacos.
~raining~ |
Ingredients for 24 chipás
cooking time 22 to 25 min.
preheat over 350 f
250 gr. cheese (I used jack and Colby cheese)
2 cups Tapioca Starch (If you use tapioca flour instead add 2 egss to this recipe)
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sour cream
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup of milk, you might have to add more
1 Shred the cheese coarsely, add tapioca flour, butter, sour cream, baking powder, and while you mix it with you hand or a stand mixer, add milk until the mix turns into a runny dough.
2 Pour the mix into a mini cupcake pan (spray the pan with oil) and put into the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, when they are golden on the top they are ready to eat.
~My husband like to eat them with strawberry jam, I like to eat them drinking my mata~ |
my mom made chipas yesterday:D but they nto taht good as the argentina ladies do it maybe i shall tell her bout this recipe she can try this one
Muy ricass! These recipes probably needed for those fields. =D
Se ven riquísimas!!
Hi vera, thanks for the comment, I encourage you to make chipas they are so easy to make, just mix the ingredients (you add egg to my recipe, although I prefer not to do it , since it resulted to have better texture and the cheese flavour stands out more with no eggs, but that is just my preference) :)
Gracias kari! No agregue la receta en espaniol,sorry.para la proxima! :)
Gracias kevin!
hay que rico!! an me mandas uno ? jajaj
segure que a vos re salen mejor que a mi Jaky, a ver cuando venis a cocinar unas de tus recetas :)
thanks, I was looking for it long time
you are welcome, you can add to this recipe two eggs, if you do reduce the ammount of milk. I don't add eggs because the tapioca flour I use is asian and somehow it doesn't pair well with the eggs
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