It seems like most housewives are cooking or baking during these days of precipitations . This afternoon I baked lasagna and took some to our neighbor, she generously gave me in return a whole loaf of banana bread! (one of the four she made). I have been trying new recipes and I always share the ones I like, this one was good to my liking ,but my husband prefers my banana bread recipe over this. Today besides the lasagna I baked this grapefruit and yogurt cake, to get the recipe go here, I decided to accompany with my mate tea drink, but this time I also used a grapefruit as a cup and add some grapefruit juice.
Although I must tell you I reduce the amount of grapefruit peeling, to a half spoon (the original recipe uses three) and the cake still tastes a bit bitter, it is not your traditional sponge pound cake. I also used 5 teaspoons of grapejuice for the frosting instead of two, it was no enough for a cup of confectioners' sugar.
~Parece que la mayoría de las amas de casa están aprovechando este tiempo lluvioso para cocinar y hornear, hoy hornee lasaña y compartí con la vecina ella en retorno me dio un pan de banana. Estuve probando algunas recetas nuevas, aparte de cocinar Lasaña hornee un bizcochuelo de pomelo y yogurt, la receta la encontré aquí. Fue la pareja perfecta para mi mate de pomelo.
Debo agregar que reduje la cantidad de ralladura de cascara de pomelo a mitas de una cuchara, en lugar de tres como la receta indica. Y para el glasé use 5 cucharas de jugo de pomelo en lugar de dos porque no era suficiente para una taza de azúcar impalpable~
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