
Sowing Saturday :: Sembrando en Sábado

~Temperatures are getting higher, during the nights we have an average temp. of 47f, some nights I checked the temp and it was over 50f. I am starting to plant warm season vegetables direct in the ground, and some flowers too.
I am joining lots of people in Sowing Saturday...you can visit this link to know more about it

~El clima se está poniendo mas cálido, incluso a la noche tenemos temperaturas de 10c  o más. Estoy empezando a sembrar vegetables que crecen solo durante el verano directamente afuera, y algunas flores también...~

~gorgeous zucchini growing in a cup, I put them in the ground already~

~Dill soaked and already sowed~
~ I bought this seeds for 20cents a packet, we will see if they grow~

~ Las time we visited walmart I still found some seeds left for only 20Cc, I researched online and I read nothing but good review about this American Seed brand, so I decided to give it a try with carrots, flowers, other vegguies..~


I already put these ones in the ground but I did not take pictures.


Dave@TheHomeGarden said...

That's a very good deal on those seeds! I bet you will have a lot of success with the zinnias. I'm not sure much can stop them from blooming! The zucchini looks healthy and strong! Thanks for joining in on Seed Sowing Saturday!

Andrea said...

Thanks! it s my pleasure